Our Services

ASL is a market leading environmental collection company, providing water environmental, sustainability and health and safety solutions.

We are one of the few companies able to combine local expertise and knowledge with global research.

In a resource constrained low carbon economy we strive to provide environmental data to assist our clients with their research to achieve optimum results.

We are able to obtain environmental data from most areas of the UK and Ireland and will provide a tailored service according to our clients needs offering many years of experience so you get the best package.


Pollution is a by product of human activity that causes harm to the natural environment and can be released into the AIR WATER or LAND.



The Kyoto Protocol set binding targets for the UK and 36 other industrialised countries and the European community for reducing Greenhouse gas emissions. As a consequence the assessment of air quality has become increasingly important for both research and private enterprise. The commitment to reducing harmful emissions has increased international awareness of alternative energy such as Wind Farms. ASL can greatly assist with your research requirements. Please contact us for further information.





The top five major pollutants of water sources are from sewage, water draining from farmland, animals near water, water drainage from populated areas and domestic sewage.

As an island the UK and Ireland is surrounded by four different seas and as such presents a large number of environmental research opportunities. ASL can collect a variety of differing samples from various sources of water including the coast and inland water sources. ASL are keen to assist you with your data collection requirements so please contact us.





ASL can assist you by providing high quality data in many different environmental areas for example rainfall/soil and herbage/agricultural disease. Sue to the diverse geography of the UK and Ireland the land offers a wealth of opportunity for various types of research into the changing environmental properties.

For our services and advice please contact us.
